1. What kind of romance books do you read? (Select all that apply) If Other, please specify.
2. Who are some of your favorite romance authors? (List up to 5)
3. What are some of your favorite romance books/series? (List up to 5)
4. Do you purchase the majority of your romance books online?
5. What websites do you visit to find new romance books? Include blogs and forums etc. if you use them. (List up to 5 in Other...) If Other, please specify.
6. Why did you buy the last 3 romance books you bought?
7. What things annoy you/turn you OFF that you see some authors do or that you see commonly done in romance novels.
8. When browsing for books on Amazon (or any book retailer), what catches your attention and makes you want to buy a romance book? If Other, please specify.
9. What makes you want to buy the next book in a romantic series? If Other, please specify.
10. How often do you leave a review for a romance you've read?